The closest thing to a full home range, includes up to 4 different lanes. The M-Range is a must have for retail stores, simulator ranges, police departments and NRA trainers. The M-Range is a course of fire, qualification training software that allows you to build your own course of fire and train up to 4 shooters at the same time. This is an add on to the Smokeless Range judgmental simulator that takes the shooter to the next level of training – by bringing the shooting range to your own home. Order today and get it via email so you can start practicing immediately!
- Build and edit your own course of fire.
-  Enables you to practice your department’s course of fire before going to a live range.
- Simulates traditional turning targets
- Up to 4 shooters at a time
- Control your edge and face time for each stage per your training regimen
- Train with Laser Ammo products, dry fire or Airsoft
*The M-Range does not include a high speed camera
**The M-Range is available only as an add on to the Smokeless Range. Customers must have the Smokeless Range and Camera in order to use this software.
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